Nking jehoshaphat commentary on the books of the bible

So the king of israel and jehoshaphat the king of judah went up to ramothgilead. Imagine small children saying those wordsevery time i ask if israel had a godly ki. Study guide for 2 chronicles 20 by david guzik blue letter bible. Jehoshaphat continues to make reforms, appointing judges throughout the land to handle disputes and charging them to make righteous judgments and to fear the lord 2 chronicles 19. The story of jehoshaphat, king of judah, provides us with helpful instruction on the subject of prayer and trusting god when we face severe trials. Connecting the bible to christian songs and all areas of life. The late renowned gustavus, king of sweden, would pray ashipboard, ashore, in the field, in the midst of the. Son of ahilud, recorder or annalist under david and solomon 2 samuel 8. They would hear the words as they marched behind the singers. The prophet micaiah was brought before them, and he made it perfectly clear that the purpose of the alliance was not of god and they would lose the battle. Learn about the alliance between gods king jehoshaphat and the evil king ahab. And sought not the baals darash le, a late construction. You may be facing or know someone who is facing something that is so difficult you cant see how anything good can.

The jerusalem bible states that the chronicler sees asa as a type of the peaceful, jehoshaphat of the strong king. The bible presents to us various rulers and persons of authority, and all of them serve as examples of what godly and ungodly leadership produces. Study 1 kings 22 using john gills exposition of the bible to better understand. One of the things king jehoshaphat did was build some trading ships but before they could be used for trading they got wrecked. In this lesson we have a scene in which jehoshaphat is observed at his best, occupying the throne of judah as every human king should have occupied itthat is, as the vicegerent of god, who was at all times the almighty, invisible king of israel. Alarmed, king jehoshaphat and the people prayed and. A good king at his best jehoshaphat set himself to seek the lord. His history is to be found among the events recorded in 1 kings 15. He walked in the first ways of his father david his ways before he fell so foully, in the matter of uriah, which were good ways. Much of the information is taken from the classic reference books including matthew george easton eastons bible dictionary and ashley s johnson condensed biblical cyclopedia.

Jehoshaphat and ahab ignore gods message 1 kings 22. King jehoshaphat the 4th and a good king of judah, 1 kings. He ruled in the southern kingdom at the same time that the wicked ahab ruled in the north. Decades after baleys death, the word was considered too sacred to be uttered by anyone on baleyworld. Jehoshaphat was a king of judah the kingdom of the jews some generations after the famous kings david and his son solomon. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the lord your. The destruction of jehoshaphats fleet is recorded in 1 kings 22. Jehoshaphat had given his word of honor, we will be with thee in the war.

King jehoshaphat 4th king of judah 87372bc848bc reigned 25 years. It is possible that his song was a short copy of davids prayer. King jehoshaphat encourages the nation to live by gods laws. Jehoshaphat and the choir that led an army life, hope.

Study the bible online using commentary on 1 kings 22 and more. According to kings, jehoshaphat built ships of tarshish to sail to ophir for gold, but the vessels were wrecked at ziongeber. He charged the judges to fear god and to realize that their judgments were not for man but for the lord. The destruction of jehoshaphat s fleet is recorded in 1 kings 22. A levite, commissioned by jehoshaphat to teach the law to judah 1.

Chief priest in the reign of jehoshaphat 1 chronicles 19. List the insights you learn from the related scriptural crossreferences. We are a team of christians creating a visual journey through the bible as a resource for teaching all ages available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time. So the king of israel said to jehoshaphat, there is still one man, micaiah the son of imlah, by whom we may inquire of the lord. The history of jehoshaphat is written not only in the book of chronicles, but in the book of kings. But although he was a good king, jehoshaphat had a character flaw. Bible study jehoshaphat and the problem of anxiety. One of these rulers, king jehoshaphat, is a great example to learn from. David, indeed, recovered from that fall, but, perhaps, never, while he lived, fully retrieved the spiritual strength and comfort which he had lost. A free bible version and commentary on the old testament book of 2 chronicles in easy english.

May 12, 2011 though there are no little jehoshaphats running around, he does have a phrase named after him jumping jehoshaphat. Easyenglish bible studies that show that god is sufficient whatever the problem. Jehoshaphat was a good king we read about in 2 chronicles 1720. Bible lesson unit on colossians lesson four on gentleness using the story about rehoboam and the division of the kingdom of israel in 1 kings 11 and crafts and activities included. Utilize your wordstudy tools to examine the meaning of the following words.

As jehoshaphat looked at his situation he knew that without gods help they would lose this battle against this large army. How the prayer of jehoshaphat and the unity of the people of judah defeated the enemy and never lifted a hand. References to jehoshaphat in the bible the history of jehoshaphats reign is told in 1 kings 15. Jehoshaphat king of judah, of which we shall have a much fuller narrative in the book of chronicles.

For this reason, among his first actions were border fortifications, especially on the border with israel. Jehoshaphat sang it on a day when he was very afraid. Study the bible online using commentary on 2 chronicles 20 and more. Jehoshaphat jehoshaphat jehovah is judge a recorder during the reigns of david and solomon 2 sam.

Prophets and kingsjehoshaphat wikisource, the free. Jehoshaphat was the 4th king of the separated kingdom of judah around 850 to 875 b. So for many years the people of the southern twotribe kingdom enjoy a good life. Jehoshaphat, or josaphat, king of judah about bible prophecy. The author of the books of chronicles generally praises his reign, stating that the kingdom enjoyed a great measure. However, jehoshaphat lacked the will to withdraw his support and went into the battle anyway.

Scripture union publishing september 17, 1992 language. Though there are no little jehoshaphats running around, he does have a phrase named after him jumping jehoshaphat. And when jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away. King of judah, son of asa, succeeded to the throne b. After solomons death, his son rehoboam reigned, followed by rehoboams son abijah, then abijahs son asa, and fourthly asas son jehoshaphat 1 kings 1222. Its possible that the king had good intentions in creating an alliance with ahab. Jehoshaphat feared partly from human frailty, and partly from the remembrance of his own guilt, and the wrath of god denounced against him for it, 2 chronicles 19. See gods wrath poured out on evil ahab when he thought he was safe. King jehoshaphat the 4th and a good king of judah, 1 kings 22.

Because he carried out the religious reforms of his father, history gives jehoshaphat a good name. Jehoshaphats problem 2 then there came some that told jehoshaphat, saying, there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria. The arrow that killed a king bible story for children and adults this famous the arrow that killed a king bible story for adults, teens and children about jehoshaphat is a free, printable bible study resource which can be read by teens or adults or used at sunday school for christian children and young kids. Jehoshaphat begins a very dangerous friendship with wicked king ahab by allowing his son jehoram to marry athaliah, ahabs and jezebels daughter. King jehoshaphats story is a great example of the far reaching consequences of the choices we make in life. Jehoshaphat was the fourth king of the southern kingdom of judah, the son of asa, of the line of david. An acknowledgment king jehoshaphats opening line is an acknowledgment of gods sovereignty, power, might and lordship.

Jehoshaphat was basically a good king who sought to follow the lord and bring gods people back to him 19. In his 3rd year he sent out certain princes, priests, and levites, to go through all the cities of judah, teaching the people out of the book of the law. Jehoshaphat came to the throne in the wake of a time of war at the conclusion of his father king asas reign. Jehoshaphat has nothing in common with ahab until he makes an unwise decision. One of the priests who accompanied the removal of the ark to jerusalem 1 chronicles 15. Jehoshaphat all the men of the bible bible gateway. Prayer of jehoshaphat devotional reflections from the bible. Jehoshaphat 2 international standard bible encyclopedia. The prayer of jehoshaphat develops king jehoshaphats prayer in 2 chronicles 20 to give us focus, stability, strength, courage and direction in times of great distress. Jehoshaphat in the bible king of judah who obeyed god.

The story of jehoshaphat and the choir that led an army is one shining example. Jehoshaphat having notice of a numerous army coming against him, 2 chronicles. Matthew pooles english annotations on the holy bible. We have selected jehoshaphat as one of the most important people and character from the bible and provided a biography and character outline of this famous person. It is his divine will that young people come to faith in jesus christ and find salvation through the gospel and the work of the holy spirit to bring them to faith. In the reading of the text you find that some of the people of judah have come to jehoshaphat and told him the moabites and the ammonites and others are planning to attack him. Jehoshaphat a godly king of judah bible stories for kids. And jehoshaphat the son of asa began to reign over judah in the fourth year of ahab king of israel.

Jehoshaphat seeks the lord and asks all judah to fast verse 3. And set himself to seek the lord the phrase denotes his settled resolution, seriousness, and earnestness in it, and the preparing and fixing of his heart for it. Apr 24, 2011 jehoshaphat has nothing in common with ahab until he makes an unwise decision. Jan 02, 2020 jehoshaphat continues to make reforms, appointing judges throughout the land to handle disputes and charging them to make righteous judgments and to fear the lord 2 chronicles 19. King jehoshaphat 2 chronicles 1719 sunday school lesson. Bible verses about jehoshaphat 76 passages king james. Jehoshaphat, from the hebrew pronounced yehhawshawfawt, is a combination of two other hebrew words, yehhovaw, from which comes the english jehovah see also yhvh, adonai, jehovah, lord and shawfat, meaning to judge. Jehoshaphat and ahab bible story colouring books zillwood, claire on. We have an amazing bible story today about how god helps us with our troubles.

Jehoshaphat chooses his words to convey a message to the whole assembly of. Jehoshaphat sought the lord in prayer and demonstrated faith in praise and worship. Jehoshaphat, judahs king, was reluctant and requested that they consult a prophet of god. He placed troops in all the fortified cities of judah, and set garrisons in the land of judah and in the cities of ephraim which asa his father had captured. In the overwhelming circumstances that enter our lives, stanley d. And jehoshaphat said, let not the king say such things. Freebibleimages king jehoshaphat sets out to obey god. The king of israel answered jehoshaphat, there is still one prophet through whom we can inquire of the lord, but i hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. Lets play a game to find out what it would have been like to be jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat means the lord judges jehoshaphat is found a number of times in bible history as the name of four or five people, ranging from a king of judah 1 kings 15. He was the son of asa, another good king of judah, and he sought the god of his father, and walked in his commandments 2 chronicles 17.

Today we begin looking at the story of jehoshaphat. The kiddos are geuinely happy to finally be learning about godly kings. In 2 chronicles 20, an alliance of nations decides to march against judah. A word list at the end explains words with a star by them.

Jehoshaphat was thirty and five years old when he began to reign. Micah is the shortened form of micaiah and interesting about 150 years later micah opens his prophecy with these words of micaiah and picks up on this theme of the sheep being scattered, but thats another bible study. Also containing childrens bible lessons and other bible education resources. Jehoshaphat, the son of king asa and azubah, became the fourth king of judah 873849 bc at the age of 35, and reigned for 25 years. He furthermore charged the levites that they were also to judge in the fear of the lord and to do so faithfully with a perfect heart. During his reign he eradicated the pagan cults and sent priests and levites all over the country to teach the law of god. Jehoshaphat is found a number of times in bible history as the name of four or five people, ranging from a king of judah 1 kings 15. The former or earlier ways of david, as contrasted with his later conducta tacit allusion to the adultery with bathsheba and other sins of david committed in his later years 2 samuel 1124. The alphabetical order of all men named in the bible j jehoshaphat jehoshaphat a recorder during the reigns of david and solomon 2 sam.

Ministry to helps you tell kids about jesus by providing ageappropriate bible study material and sunday school curriculum all 100% free online we believe that god is the loving father of all kids. Who was king jehoshaphat and what can we learn from him. The new court in solomons temple there were two courts. Mar 30, 20 this sunday we will be learning about king jehoshaphat. Gale directs us to take hold of the hand of our god who leads us from the point of crisis to gather up his blessings for us deposited by the storm. The jerusalem bible states that the chronicler sees asa as a type of the peaceful, jehoshaphat of the strong king according to these passages, jehoshaphat ascended the throne at the age of thirtyfive. Jehoshaphat his son then became king in his place, and made his position over israel firm. A bible devotion on the answered prayer of jehoshaphat when the king of syria had commanded his men to fight only with ahab, the king of israel. And his mothers name was azubah the daughter of shilhi. One of these had probably been renovated by jehoshaphat or by his father, asa 2 chronicles 15. Jehoshaphat chooses his words to convey a message to the whole assembly of judah gathered at the temple. He was a zealous follower of the commandments of god.

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